Results for 'S. S. Mitrofanova'

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  1. Filosofskai︠a︡ kulʹtura lichnosti i nauchno-tekhnicheskiĭ progress: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.S. S. Mitrofanova (ed.) - 1987 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  2. Problema cheloveka i gumanitarnye nauki: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik nauchnykh trudov.S. S. Mitrofanova (ed.) - 1988 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Bilinguals’ Sensitivity to Grammatical Gender Cues in Russian: The Role of Cumulative Input, Proficiency, and Dominance.Natalia Mitrofanova, Yulia Rodina, Olga Urek & Marit Westergaard - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    This paper reports on an experimental study investigating the acquisition of grammatical gender in Russian by heritage speakers living in Norway. The participants are 54 Norwegian-Russian bilingual children (4;0-10;2) as well as 107 Russian monolingual controls (3;0-7;0). Previous research has shown that grammatical gender is problematic for bilingual speakers, especially in cases where gender assignment is opaque (Schwartz et al., 2015; Polinsky, 2008; Rodina and Westergaard, 2017). Furthermore, factors such as proficiency and family type (one or two Russian-speaking parents) have (...)
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    The Interaction of Linguistic and Visual Cues for the Processing of Case in Russian by Russian‐German Bilinguals: An Eye Tracking Study.Serge Minor, Natalia Mitrofanova & Marit Westergaard - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Modulation of visual attention in the Visual World Paradigm relies on parallel processing of linguistic and visual information. Previous studies have argued that the human linguistic capacity includes an aspect of anticipation of upcoming material. Such anticipation can be triggered by both lexical and grammatical/morphosyntactic cues. In this study, we investigated the relationship between comprehension and prediction by testing how subtle changes in visual representations can affect the processing of grammatical case cues in Russian by Russian-German bilingual children (n = (...)
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    Orthodox actors and equal opportunities policies in the Republic of Moldova in the context of the transformation of post-Soviet societies.Anastasia V. Mitrofanova - 2019 - Approaching Religion 9 (1–2).
    This article examines how the key Orthodox actors in Moldova have reacted to challenging equal opportunities legislation. The author suggests, on the basis of an economic approach to religion, that under the conditions of a deregulated religious market they use various strategies to promote their agendas. The Moldovan Orthodox Church, autonomous within the Russian Orthodox Church, previously relied on making private bargains with the government; but this policy ended with the adoption of the 2013 Law on Ensuring Equality in the (...)
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    Religious Politicization.Anastasia Mitrofanova - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 7:111-115.
    The paper is an attempt to understand the nature of political religion using Russian Orthodoxy as an example. Political religion is different from the use of religion for political purposes: from "public religions" seeking to be a part of a pluralistic society; from "civic religion" (sacralization of political processes and institutions) and from fundamentalism. Contrary to fundamentalism, political religions aim not at revitalizing the past, but at addressing the most vital issues of modernity. Politicization of Orthodoxy in Russia may seem (...)
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  7. The structures of social solidarity in contemporary Russia : evolution and perspectives.Anastasia V. Mitrofanova - 2022 - In Alexander N. Chumakov, Alyssa DeBlasio & Ilya V. Ilyin, Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry. Boston: BRILL.
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    Using Behavioural Reasoning Theory to Explore Reasons for Dietary Restriction: A Qualitative Study of Orthorexic Behavioural Tendencies in the UK.Elina Mitrofanova, Elizabeth K. L. Pummell, Hilda M. Mulrooney & Andrea Petróczi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Orthorexia Nervosa has gained increased attention in academia since 1997. However, like other “Exia” conditions, there is debate around its inclusion in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. This study aimed to examine the experiences of those following a diet indicative of ON in the United Kingdom. This information is essential to the development of diagnostic criteria and classification of ON. Behavioural Reasoning Theory was used to explore reasons contributing to the development of ON. Ten individuals, aged 23–35 (...)
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  9. Ethics and revolution.Edward Abramowski - 2023 - In Bartłomiej Błesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki, Michelle Granas & Edward Abramowski, Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski's social philosophy, with a selection of his writings. Boston: Brill.
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  10. Friendship unions I.Edward Abramowski - 2023 - In Bartłomiej Błesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki, Michelle Granas & Edward Abramowski, Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski's social philosophy, with a selection of his writings. Boston: Brill.
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  11. Somaesthetics and cinema : the man in gold in the film Walk the golden night.Jerold J. Abrams - 2022 - In Shusterman’s Somaesthetics: From Hip Hop Philosophy to Politics and Performance Art. Boston: BRILL.
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  12. The principle of the cooperative commonwealth.Edward Abramowski - 2023 - In Bartłomiej Błesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki, Michelle Granas & Edward Abramowski, Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski's social philosophy, with a selection of his writings. Boston: Brill.
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  13. Workers' revolution.Edward Abramowski - 2023 - In Bartłomiej Błesznowski, Cezary Rudnicki, Michelle Granas & Edward Abramowski, Metaphysics of cooperation: Edward Abramowski's social philosophy, with a selection of his writings. Boston: Brill.
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  14. "Human Being, Beast and God: The Place of Human Happiness for Aristotle and Some Twentieth Century Thinkers".Deborah Achtenberg - 1988 - St. John's Review 38 (2):21-47.
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    Agency Theory: The Dilemma of Thomas C. Upham.Todd L. Adams - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 28 (3):547 - 568.
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    Contents.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Chapter Four: The Universal Validity of a Singular Judgment.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 176-214.
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    Chapter One: Renegotiating Kantian Constraints, Intuiting without Concepts.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 28-74.
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    Concluding Remarks.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 287-291.
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    Frontmatter.Stephanie Adair - 2018 - In The Aesthetic Use of the Logical Functions in Kant's Third Critique. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    Henry Tappan and Agent Causality.Todd L. Adams - 1994 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 30 (1):111 - 133.
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  22. Background.Joseph Agassi - 2018 - In Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: An Attempt at a Critical Rationalist Appraisal. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  23. Conclusion: The Place of Wittgenstein.Joseph Agassi - 2018 - In Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: An Attempt at a Critical Rationalist Appraisal. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  24. The Waning of Essentialism.Joseph Agassi - 2018 - In Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations: An Attempt at a Critical Rationalist Appraisal. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  25. Yugoslav refugees and British relief workers in Italian and Egyptian refugee camps, 1944-1946.Kornelija Ajlec - 2021 - In Jessica Reinisch & David Brydan, Europe's internationalists: rethinking the history of internationalism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Hired as a Caregiver, Demanded as a Housewife: Becoming a Migrant Domestic Worker in Turkey.Ayşe Akalin - 2007 - European Journal of Women's Studies 14 (3):209-225.
    Women from post-socialist countries started migrating to Turkey in the second half of the 1990s to work in the domestic work sector. Migrant domestics have formed their niche as live-in caregivers, due to the disinclination of the existing local labour power to work in the care sector. Yet, the employer mothers, besides asking their live-in workers to tend their children, often demand that they also do the daily chores in the home, purposely leaving the heavy cleaning to their Turkish domestics. (...)
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  27. The Arabic and Islamic reception of the Nicomachean ethics.Anna Akasoy - 2012 - In Jon Miller, The Reception of Aristotle's Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    Wittgenstein, Frazer, and the Apples of Sodom.Lars Albinus - 2016 - In Aidan Seery, Josef G. F. Rothhaupt & Lars Albinus, Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Frazer: The Text and the Matter. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 339-366.
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    Pragmatic Imagination.Thomas M. Alexander - 1990 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 26 (3):325 - 348.
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    Advance Directives Use in Acute Care Hospitals.Rose Allen & Nestor Ventura - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (3):86-91.
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    ’ein Reden und ein Denken, das nicht wir haben’. Zur Figur der indirekten Rede bei Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel Alloa - 2008 - In Alice Lagaay & Emmanuel Alloa, Nicht(s) Sagen: Strategien der Sprachabwendung Im 20. Jahrhundert. Transcript. pp. 207-224.
  32. Quel œil peut se voir soi-même? : character and habit in Stendhal and Maine de Biran.Alessandra Aloisi - 2023 - In Manfred Milz, Towards a New Anthropology of the Embodied Mind: Maine de Biran’s Physio-Spiritualism from 1800 to the 21st Century. Boston: BRILL.
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  33. Nietzsche en Cortázar.Cristina Ambrosini - 2014 - In Cristina Marta Ambrosini & Rubén Padlubne, Ficciones posibles: saberes filosóficos, semiológicos y científicos a través de la literatura. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
  34. Pigs in Plato: Delineating the Human Condition in the Statesman.David Ambuel - 2013 - In Ales Havlicek, Jakub JIrsa & Karel Thein, Plato's Statesman: Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium Platonicum Pragense. Oikoymenh. pp. 209-226.
  35. The Coy Eristic: Defining the Image that Defines the Sophist.David Ambuel - 2011 - In Ales Havlicek & Filip Karfik, Plato's Sophist: Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium Platonicum Pragense. Oikoymenh. pp. 278-310.
    The eponymous dialogue presents the sophist as a figure who defies definition, and those difficulties are attributed to the conception of the image. Ultimately, the sophist is defined as a species of image maker. The image, however, which is important throughout the Platonic corpus as a metaphor, an analogy, and a metaphysical concept as well, receives in the Sophist little clarification or definition apart from whatever may be inferred from the division of image making arts. In the Sophist, the sophist (...)
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  36. Kant, radical evil, and crimes against humanity.Sharon Anderson-Gold - 2009 - In Sharon Anderson-Gold & Pablo Muchnik, Kant's Anatomy of Evil. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Reflections on Embodiment.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2002 - Women’s Philosophy Review 29:4-10.
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  38. Geraldine Brady, From Peirce to Skolem: A Neglected Chapter in the History of Logic. [REVIEW]Irving Anellis - 2004 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40 (2):349-359.
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  39. Aftervirtue and virtue ethics.Tom Angier - 2023 - In MacIntyre's After Virtue at 40. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Sharing and Exposure: Merleau-Ponty and The Cartesian Meditations.Jakub Čapek - 2023 - In Daniele De Santis, Edmund Husserl’s Cartesian Meditations: Commentary, Interpretations, Discussions. Verlag Karl Alber. pp. 281-302.
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    Global Initiatives in Regulation at NCSBN.Kathy Apple & Nancy Spector - 2005 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 7 (4):112-113.
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  42. Why does Wittgenstein say that ethics and aesthetics are one and the same?Hanne Appelqvist - 2013 - In Peter Sullivan & Michael Potter, Wittgenstein's Tractatus: history and interpretation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  43. Introduction.Andre Archie - 2015 - In Politics in Socrates' Alcibiades: A Philosophical Account of Plato's Dialogue Alcibiades Major. Cham: Imprint: Springer.
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  44. The autonomy of language.Robert L. Arrington - 1993 - In Stuart Shanker & Canfield John, Wittgenstein's Intentions (Routledge Revivals). New York: Routledge.
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  45. Erratum.Mark van Atten & Mark Atten - 2014 - In Essays on Gödel’s Reception of Leibniz, Husserl, and Brouwer. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Chapter I: The First Chapter of the Groundwork.Bruce Aune - 1981 - In Alexander Broadie, Kant’s Theory of Morals. Princeton University Press. pp. 1-34.
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  47. A plea for excuses.John Austin - 1956 - In James Urmson & Geoffrey Warnock, Austin’s philosophical papers, 3rd ed. (1979). Oxford University Press. pp. 175-204.
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    2 Forensic Characteristics of Socratic Argumentation.Hayden Ausland - 2002 - In Gary Alan Scott, Does Socrates Have a Method?: Rethinking the Elenchus in Plato's Dialogues and Beyond. Pennsylvania State University Press. pp. 36-60.
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  49. Socrates in the early nineteenth century, become young and beautiful.Hayden W. Ausland - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill.
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    On Epigenesis: Historical and Philological Remarks.Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques - 2015 - In Ubirajara Rancan de Azevedo Marques, Robert Louden, Claudio La Rocca & Bernd Dörflinger, Kant's Lectures / Kants Vorlesungen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 261-272.
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